REFINE‑MAXX™ Lithium Densifier
REFINE‑MAXX™ Lithium Densifier
REFINE-MAXX Lithium Densifier is the premium hardener, densifier, and sealer for concrete surfaces. This penetrating lithium silicate treatment reacts with the concrete to produce insoluble calcium silicate hydrate within the concrete pores. Treated surfaces resist damage from water and surface abrasion. The increased surface hardness reduces dusting and simplifies maintenance, producing a cleaner, healthier environment. Safer, faster, and easier to apply than conventional sodium or potassium silicate hardeners, Lithium Densifier will not trigger or contribute to surface ASR (Alkali Silicate Reaction).
Surfaces to be treated must be clean, dry, and absorbent. Test surface absorbency with a light water spray. If surfaces designated for treatment do not wet uniformly, use the appropriate concrete surface prep cleaner or mechanical process to remove remaining surface contaminants.
Do not use acidic cleaners. Though Lithium Densifier will improve the resistance of concrete surfaces to staining, acid concentrates and acidic foods may etch the floor and leave a residual stain. Clean up spills quickly to minimize any potential for damage.
Do not dilute or alter. Use as supplied.
Before product dries, clean tools and equipment with fresh water.
- Easy, one-step application
- Penetrates and reacts quickly to produce better initial and ultimate hardness
- Reduces application time and costs of diamond polishing operations
- Cures quickly. Most floors can be opened to traffic within one hour
- Treated surfaces are easy to maintain and require no waxing
The floor is ready to use when dry.